Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Europe Gunpla Cup

Finally we have a big competition for all the Gunpla modelers here in Europe. For years we have been waiting for Bandai to do an official BAKUC -or whatever it's called now- and with no succes. One of the members of MAC, - now moderator- Kamm has gone trhough the trouble to set up a competition catered solely to the European Gunpla modelers. He managed to convince HLJ to sponsor the contest with some sweet prizes!

For more information:
visit MAC
Anouncement video

Now spread the word!
And to all other European modelers reading this, may the best win :D

Thursday, April 14, 2011

All kinds of stuff -not really-

It's been awhile again since I posted something, so here it goes

I started working on a little dio for my old IJ. The reason is that i wanted to practice some more on my diorama skills and weathering skills.

I also did some more work on my 00,
you can check out the progress at MAC

That was it for today, I hope to get more content up on my YouTube channel soon, so you can look forward to that too. :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Busy, busy, busy.....

So it seems as i've forgotten that i even have a blog.........
The main reason for this is the fact that school has really been asking alot of my time lately. After studying for tests nad writing reports there's hardly any time left for gunpla. I did get some progress on my 00 Gundam but was to lazy to blog about it xD

I've also been thinking about more videos to put on my YouTube channel, as it is quite bare at the moment.
Anyways, here's a little update on the 00 for you guys.

As 'm too lazy to link every individual image, i'll just link you to my thread at MAC :D

Also check out my YouTube channel ,i've uploaded some short tips to make your gunpla hobby just a tad cheaper :)

So that's it for today,
see you guys next time!