Friday, April 27, 2012

The Great Migration

For those of you who haven't noticed yet, the MAC Forums URL has been offline for a few days. This was caused by some problems with the hosting and together with some other problems, the guys over at MAC decided to set up a new forum: The 2012 Mecha Contest will also be moved to the new forums. So what are you waitinge for, go register and continue to enjoy having fun modeling :D

Sunday, April 22, 2012

New pics

I had some time yesterday and I decided to take some better pictures of my old Neo Zeon Gelgoog: 111_4811 111_4813PS 111_4814 111_4815PS 111_4816 111_4818PS 111_4820 111_4821 111_4822 111_4823PS 111_4824 111_4825 111_4826 111_4827 For the larger versions click here Thanks for watching! :D