Sunday, December 20, 2009

No school!

So I don't have school for the next 2 weeks,
that means more time for gunpla :D

Started on the dio for my Dom

(sorry for the bad pic, can't find my camera...)

Some bad news tho: there seems to be something wrong with my compressor...
Air comes out in pulses and I spray blobs of water instead of an even coating :(
Anyone know what's wrong?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Quick update

Hi folks :D
Haven't had much time to do gunpla because I have exams...
But last one is on tuesday,  so you can expect a few updates next week :)

But the reason for this quick post is that i finally got a replacement nozzle for my airbrush!!! :D
Let's hope this one lasts longer than the first one xD

Friday, November 20, 2009

Almost there

Have been working on and off on this...

(had alot of school work lately <_< )

but managed to paint most of it (rush work, so it isn't that good...)

just some detail painting and weathering left :)

(ow, have to finish the weapons too)

i'll try to finish this before december, cause exams are starting on december >.<, have to concentrate on studying :)

Monday, October 26, 2009

How to make rivets

Since I'm making a lot of these for my build I decided to write a little tutorial on how to make these little things.

  • Requirements

1:  Lighter, can also be one of those lighters you light sigarets with, but I couldn't find another one.

2:  Aluminium plate, or something else that doesn't melt when heated

3: Knife

4: Electric drill

5: Piece of sprue

  • What to do?

First take your electrical drill and drill a hole in your aluminium plate (this hole will have the same diameter as your rivet)

Second, take your piece of sprue and heat it with your lighter.

Then, when your sprue starts to melt, push it through the hole you made in your aluminium plate.

The other side should look something like this:

(It isn't that visible in the pic, but if you look really hard you can see the rivet sticking out of the hole.)

Wait for the plastic to cool down and pull your sprue out.

Next step, take your knife and cut off the little rivet.

Last, collect them in some kind of container.

After a while you'll get enough to actually do something with those lilttle things.

I hope this has been some usefull information to some people :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Long time no update.....

Okay, so lit's been a while since i updated this.....



and for some reason i wanted to add some height to this foot thingy:

That's all for today :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Shield - Done

Hi everyone, just finished the shield :)

But not really happy with it...

it looks more like a dirty piece instead of a weathered piece <_<

here's the pic anyway

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Improvement :)

New shoulder...

Started riveting the shield, but ran out of rivets and can't find a lighter at the moment, so I'm stuck for a while <_<

That's it :)

Monday, October 5, 2009


Pff did lot's of sanding today...

but i got a little update :D

Decided to scrap the pointy shoulder idea and make something that looks a little more like the DOM Tropen

Still needs alot of work...

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Small update, nothing special:

Primed the shield, some problmes here...

Detailed the axe:

Dom holding the 2 axes:

Back to work :) (lot's of sanding to do  )

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sword and shield

Haven't been working on this for a while...

School is keeping me busy >.<

and WoW is damn addicting....

So the sword and shield are pretty much done, just some cleaning up left...

The sword:

The shield:

Overall look:

That's all for today :)

Monday, September 21, 2009



I was trying to achieve some kind of layered armor effect and this is what i've got

Some thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated :)

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mono-eye madness

Haven't worked on this lately,

school is keeping me busy, and when i have some time i play online game with my friends.....

So i could only do some clean-up this week...

And also scratchbuilt mono-eye :D

cause sticker eye is kinda lame...

maybe paint with some mettalic red instead to make it stand out a bit more

without cover:

mono-eye assembly ( noob: ) :

That's it :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Friday, September 4, 2009

Shield frame

Lucky stilll have some time for gunpla :D

made this frame for the shield

what do you guys think?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Weathering+Zeon emblem

School won't stop me :D

Decided to re-do the zeon emblem:

better than the first one but still not perfect... but i'm sticking with this one....

Tried weathering the back skirt, maybe overdid it a little?

What do you think?

(dunno why this one looks blu-ish..., should be purple like the first pic)

Saturday, August 29, 2009


i tried some handpainting on the backskirt

Painted with acrylic for walls and ceilings (it's the cheapest paint around)

I think it looks quite good, not perfect, but OK

(the vents were removed for easier painting)

C&C on the handpainting would be great :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Color schemes

Color schemes I'm not really good at this...




That's what i have so far

Please vote :D

Suggestions are also very welcome :)


Didn't do much today...

suddenly decided to turn the "Panzerfaust" into an axe...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Very slow lately...


Broadened, lengthened and added some detail

Still needs to be cleaned...

Monday, August 17, 2009

Back skirt

Have been working on it today :)

scribed panellines and added fin detailing on the vents

I love it :D (even if i say so myself  xD )

Thx for watchin' ! :D

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Chest Plate


added something to the chest plate

still needs a lot of cleanup

like the rest of my mods >.<

Thx for viewing !

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


After giving it some thought i deceided to lengthen the sword

Anyways here are the pics:

lots of cleanup >.<

Overall view

Thx for viewing :)