Sunday, January 16, 2011

Neo Zeon Gelgoog ver.Ph

It's done!

I htink this is one of my fastest builds. It took me about 3 weeks to finish this kit and, IMO, it turned out pretty nice. It's my best kit untill now :D.

Base kit: Gelgoog Jäger


-Added armor plates with welding lines on the shoulders, front skirts and side skirts

-Extended the front skirts and added vents on them

-Added vents on the shoulders

-Added thrusters on the back skirt

-Scribe new panellines on the legs, back skirt and upper arms

-SB a new head because i lost the original one...

-Move those guns on the forearms and used them as thrusters on the legs

-Use electrical wires as tubing on the legs and backpack

-SB the "sleeves" for the Neo Zeon feel

-SB the fully articulated claw

This was airbrushed with Reeves acrylic paint and topcoated with Future+Flat base.

Weathering was done with pastels and drybrushing.

Without further ado, the pics :D

(just to show that the fingers are fully articulated)


  1. Very nice build, the head and the chestplate may be a bit uneven, but as longer i look at it the more detail i notice. The idea with the tubes is pretty cool and i really like the paintjob. It looks really used and heavy

  2. Thx for your nice comment :)
    I agree that the chest plate is a bit uneven, was rushing it :P
