As you may or may not noticed, ver.PP stand for version PhantomPain. It is a kind of name that is used to designate that you have customised the model to your own style.
This is the first time that I'll be simply changing a few design aspects, but trying to keep the overall feel and look.
Not like my Dom where i didn't keep the overall feel and look or my Destiny where I didn't really change alot to the design.
Here goes:
I did most of the mods on one side first, so the difference is visible.

Side skirt:



I enlarged the lower red part, in my opinion, the 00 was way too skinny looking. It could be because the desingers were compensating for those ridiculously large addons on the shoulders... But I won't be using those anyway....
Laslty, somethign I've been thinking about:

First I wanted solid blades, but then I realized that i wouldn't want them to stick out all the time, so I went with beam sabers.