Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Gelgoog Jäger!!!

Painted this kit to practice working with my AB.

I started this build last thursday and rushed it so i could finish it before school starts again (tommorow)

There are some runs and drips but i'm satisfied with the result.

I painted this with cheap acrylics from the hardware store and because of my rushing i didn't bother to topcoat it and there are already alot of scratches on it T_T

I lost the head, but i'll be scratchbuilding a new one and i'll put it on later.

Also, i'm planning to strip the paint and mod it later...

Anyways here are the pics:

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Guess what?

I made a video of m scratchbuilding the backpack for my GM.

It's fastfoward because otherwise it would be 2 hours! (mostly me sitting around doing nothing, since i'm too lazy to edit that out it's just 8x speed :D )

Here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDjg5WZwt6Q

And a pic of the finished product:

It's actually not finished, just need to add some things....

Thx for watchin' :D

Monday, August 9, 2010

Continuing work on SD Powered GM

It's been a while since my last update.....

Anyways here is what I've been doing lately:

Added those extra vent thingies on the chest and made a collar:

Started work on the skirts:



And rear:

The rear one needs the most work ATM

And to get a nice view of how things look like i sticky-tacked everything together:

That's it for today,

Thx for viewin' :D