Sunday, December 20, 2009

No school!

So I don't have school for the next 2 weeks,
that means more time for gunpla :D

Started on the dio for my Dom

(sorry for the bad pic, can't find my camera...)

Some bad news tho: there seems to be something wrong with my compressor...
Air comes out in pulses and I spray blobs of water instead of an even coating :(
Anyone know what's wrong?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Quick update

Hi folks :D
Haven't had much time to do gunpla because I have exams...
But last one is on tuesday,  so you can expect a few updates next week :)

But the reason for this quick post is that i finally got a replacement nozzle for my airbrush!!! :D
Let's hope this one lasts longer than the first one xD